A woman is sitting alone in a house. She knows she is alone in the whole world, every other living thing is dead. The doorbell rings. She doesn’t answer. In the immense silence of the mansion there is only the lonely sound of the bell. Insistently, like a knife trying to cut through pale skin. Still the woman doesn’t move. The clock in the kitchen marks 3.33 AM. She looks at her nails – the nail polish is coming off like the skin of a snake is disposed off. Only, she knows there’s no rebirth for her. The fingers are old and no ring is adorning the hands. She burns inside. Her hair is thin and the scalp is showing. Where once was joy, now darkness falls. It consumes her eyes, takes away the blue and drains the energy and life. No tears, no expression – nothing. And still the doorbell rings. She doesn’t move and looks like a crippled plaything. Prosthetic synthesis of dying flesh and bone. The spine is just a string. The skin on her nose is peeling like sins are washed off. Pale and so white. Rotting, stenching her body is. The lips show an already eaten carcass. She is the carrion of a murdered prey. The teeth are worn out and some bits have already fallen off. She is naked and the breasts are only wrinkles. The sex reeks and stinks of urine and faeces are on the floor. The tap begins to drip. The flesh on her tired bones starts to melt and fall. Holes form on her cheeks, flies enter and lay their eggs. All the matter dissolves, leaving only the bones and no insides. No heart. The machina of life crumbles down. There is food on the table to serve as sport for the insects which march alone. The doorbell stops ringing.
segunda-feira, 30 de junho de 2008
sábado, 28 de junho de 2008
O Diário Perdido
Adão havia perdido tudo que tinha escrito durante aqueles dois anos. Conscientemente, perdeu, quis perder aquelas feridas e alegrias, só porque naquele fatídico dia caiu metal num precipício e o direito a ser e ter se encontrava adulterado. Tudo por nada. Mas havia um testamento, um testemunho, um tratado que impunha soberana vontade e ordenava ser apresentado. E assim, Adão obedeceu.
E não quis mais ser um modelo de falta de personalidade. E odiou sem odiar aqueles que o tiraram do trono que um dia foi seu. Mas a coroa ainda estava lá, ainda havia aquele ceptro que nunca o abandonara. Destronado, sim, mas, ainda assim, rei por direito, por sangue, por Divina Providência. Por vontade própria também. E o seu reino ainda tinha o maior número de súbditos de entre todos os reinos. E os mais fiéis de todos, era certo.
Assim, Adão começou lentamente a elaborar um plano táctico
que lhe permitisse erguer-se de novo.SolPedraTijoloCarne
Adão era dEUS.
Agora, as engrenagens estão finalmente a rodar e a Machina do Mundo ferve de óleos e vapor e enxofre.
É a hora.
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